Hands of the Mandarin, Part 1
(Episode 25)

Written by Douglas Booth
Originally Broadcast on February 17, 1996

The Mandarin, now reunited with his 10 rings, proclaims to the world that he is taking over. But the United Nations doesn't take him seriously, he shuts down New York City. Iron Man tries to stop him, but is immobilized by the Mandarin's anti-technology field and has to be rescued by alienated former comrade, Hawkeye. In order to stop Mandarin -- who's out to return Earth to an era of pre-technology, with himself as ruler -- Tony recruits his Force Works teammates. Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Woman and Century will be helpful since their powers are non-technology based. Mandarin has returned to China where he's got his old crew -- including Blizzard, Whirlwind, Hypnotia and Modok -- out wreaking havoc. Force Works and Iron Man travel to China, where they find Mandarin's minions. Mandarin cackles, because he has brought them into his plan and they will soon discover the secret of his power, the ancient intergalactic crystal known as the Heart of Darkness.


This is part one of the two-part series finale.


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