Soul Hunter, Part 1
(Episode 15)

Written by Larry Brody
Originally Summarized on December 10, 2005

The teaser begins with the Silver Surfer gazing at a tiny jewel of a planet ensconced in the velvety blackness of space. "Zenn-La, home of my birth," he says. "Planet of harmony, peace, and justice."

The Surfer approaches the planet. "Soon I shall be reunited with Shalla Bal." He joyfully soars toward the looming planet but is abruptly stopped when he hits a wall of crackling energy. Confused at first, the Surfer quickly becomes angry.

He shouts, "No! I have not endured all I have endured, fought all I have fought to allow anything to keep me from my dream!!! Eternity! Infinity! Why do you torment me this way? I am a man! With the love and the pain of all men?"

First Surfer fires bolts of energy at the barrier, but he soon becomes frustrated and pounds at it with his bare fists.

Unexpectedly, the image of Uatu the Watcher appears in the stars. He explains that Eternity and Infinity are busy maintaining existence. The Surfer pleads with the Watcher to help, but Uatu replies that it is he that needs the Surfer.

"Never before have I seen my homeworld so threatened - and with it all that remains of my race!" Uatu says.

While sympathetic, the Surfer is loathe to leave Zenn-La having finally found it.

Elsewhere, Thiran and Morg -- two Sarqs, beings of immense power whose natural habitat is the abyss of space -- approach the universal library, which is still inhabited by the Virals.

Thiran says, "Can it be? Can our millennia long quest be at an end?"

Morg confirms that they have indeed reached the "center of darkness."

More Sarqs follow. They need no technology to move in space. They are cosmic creatures, not unlike the Surfer. Thiran is their High Priest. Morg is their leader. They fly above the surface and begin to fling fireballs of their own creation on the universal library's surface. They shout reverently, "Destroy all knowledge!" End Teaser.

Back at Zenn-La, the Watcher pleads with the Surfer. The Surfer says, "This is Zenn-La you are asking me to leave, Watcher. I could not bear to lose my home again." "Neither, Silver Surfer, could I bear to lose mine," Uatu retorts. "Even in its current state, the Universal Library is a cosmic treasure, all the knowledge of the Watchers living on in the communal mind of the Virals. Without it you will never be able to reach Zenn-La's peaceful surface!"

Acknowledging Uatu's logic, the Surfer begrudgingly offers his assistance. They plasma jump to the universal library as the Watcher explains, "The reason not even Galactus knew the location of your homeworld is because another powerful force moved it from our time and space to another. There it remains, behind a barrier penetrable only by -"

The Watcher is distracted by the shouts of the Sarqs. The Sarqs continue their attacks, but they are being rebuffed by the virals. Two Sarqs are swallowed and transformed into virals, and Morg signals for a retreat.

The Surfer recognizes the Sarqs from his days as Galactus's herald, but he does not understand why they would want to decimate the universal library. The Watcher replies that the Sarqs believe the accumulation of knowledge is evil.

Morg and Thiran confer on how to continue their offensive when the Silver Surfer approaches them. Immediately mistrustful, Morg pelts him with fireballs. When this proves ineffective, Thiran appeals to Surfer's logic. First, Thiran suggests he should join their side. As the herald of Galactus, he should understand the joy of destruction. When Surfer disagrees, Thiran notes Surfer's similarity with the Sarqs. Both are powered by space itself and require no technology.

As Thiran and the Surfer talk, Morg surreptitiously gathers the other Sarqs around him. Before Oatu can warn him, the Sarqs trap the Silver Surfer in a net powered by their own bodies, and when the Silver Surfer attempts to break free, the net becomes stronger.

The Surfer asks if Uatu can help, but the Watcher admits he does not have power to match his omniscience.

Thiran taunts the Surfer, "You see, Silver Surfer? You are going to aid us. By combining our might with your power cosmic, we will blow the Universal Library apart with no risk to the Sarq. Unfortunately, all that will remain of you is a burnt-out husk. But you may take pride in the glory you bring to our Way!" End Act One.

Trapped, our hero muses, "All I have striven for, this long, lonely time I have been the Silver Surfer has been to return to the world, and the woman, I love. Yet no matter how near I come, still does my goal seem unattainable."

Despite his protestations, Thiran begins using the Surfer's own powers to destroy the universal library. Chunks of the planet are destroyed as the Sarqs cheer for more. Still Surfer tries to reason with them, saying that ignorance condemns men to a violent life. His entreaties fall on deaf ears.

In his moment of need, Surfer realizes that even if the Watcher cannot help, the virals probably can. He has Uatu beg for the virals assistance. He then hears the voice of his old friend Mentor who has become a viral. "Silver Surfer, my friend, if you would save us, there is a way," he says.

Surfer then hears the voice of the viral Nebula in his mind pledging her assistance. Quickly all the virals agree.

The virals, in one voice, say, "To prevent the Sarq from accessing your power cosmic, we must replace it with our mental force by connecting to you as well. But be warned -- when the two meet, it may be more than you are able to bear."

Surfer says he is ready. He then feels a searing pain, but it is the Sarqs who writhe. Soon they are retreating as quickly as they can, releasing the Surfer from his net.

"What happened?" the Surfer asks.

The virals explain that they exposed the Sarqs to total knowledge, a concept they abhorred and could not face.

Keeping their half of the bargain, the virals prepare to transport Silver Surfer to Zenn-La. It is the Nebula viral that assists him. They transport to the atmosphere of Zenn-La and she breaks through the energy field. After crossing the barrier, Surfer notes that she doesn't seem to be taking the plasma jump back.

"I may still be in this hideous body, Surfer -- but what makes you think I would want to return?" she says and laughs ominously.

The Silver Surfer streaks toward his home and his old academy. Students recognize him and murmur that he has returned. But then he sees the face of the woman he traversed the galaxies to see, Shalla.

"Norrin Radd?" she asks. "But how could this be?"

With barely a word he hushes her and whisks her away on his board to reacquaint himself with the planet. They watch lion and sheep lie side by side, man and woman in deep meditation, an eagle soaring, a calm ocean, and a mountain range. Neither speak. They are content with each other's company.

When they do land to talk, it is in Zenn-La's sculpture garden. There, Surfer finds a statue of Norrin Radd prominently displayed.

"I felt you deserved the honor," Shalla Bal explained.

Their reverie is interrupted by the cry of Thanos calling "Master" to Shalla. At first, Surfer prepares for a fight, but now that the universe has been restarted, Thanos is no longer a warmonger. He is a pacifist seeking enlightenment. In truth, he does not remember ever meeting the Silver Surfer.

This must be one of the changes that Eternity and Infinity warned me about, Surfer realizes.

Surfer also learns from Thanos that after Norrin's old master died, Shalla was made the wise master of Zenn-La. Thanos adds that the Soul Hunter is coming to Zenn-La.

"The Soul Hunter?" Surfer asks.

Shalla Bal explains that is was the Soul Hunter who put Zenn-La in a pocket dimension to protect them. She adds that the Hunter is probably coming to meet Norrin Radd.

Then, the Soul Hunter descends from the heavens. He is a man adorned in simple robes, but he sees the Silver Surfer and his expression hardens.

"I did not bring you here!" the Soul Hunter says.

Shalla feebly tries to explain, but the soul god is livid.

"My boundaries have been violated! My hospitality has been betrayed!" The Sould Hunter then reaches with one huge hand, grabs Silver Surfer, and throws him into the heavens.

"Norrin Radd, begone!"


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