Distant Boundaries
(Episode 20)
Written by Greg Johnson
Originally Broadcast on November 11, 1995
When Iron Man assists in the landing of
an unidentified, unmanned space ship, he learns that it was sent by the distant
planet, Elysian, with a distress message -- pleading for Iron Man's help
in their fight against a madman called Dark Aegis {pronounced Dark Uh-geez}.
Iron Man feels responsible because he inadvertently set Dark Aegis adrift
in space long ago. James Rhodes, who is determined to beat his claustrophobia,
dons his War Machine armor and joins Iron Man on the mission. But as the
ship is launched, they find a dangerous stowaway, the Titanium Man. In the
shipboard battle, Iron Man and War Machine are set adrift, braving the atmosphere
of Elysian to land on its surface. They find out they're too late; the planet
has been destroyed and the air so toxic they must keep armor on. While War
Machine is engaged in battle by Titanium Man (who is in the employ of Dark
Aegis), Iron Man confronts Dark Aegis, who has possession of the mightiest
of weapons -- the Oracle.
Toy Biz produced an action figure of
Dark Aegis but it was never released.
This page is a part of DRG4's Marvel Cartoon
Featuring Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic
Four, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and the Silver Surfer.