Beauty Knows No Pain
(Episode 18)

Written by Brooks Wachtel
Originally Broadcast on October 21, 1995

A horrific cave-in collapses the under-construction subway tunnels in Cairo, Egypt, burying Julia Carpenter and other Stark employees. Tony discovers that the workers have been kidnapped by Stark's former flame, Madame Masque. Obsessed with her own facial disfigurement, Madame Masque has dedicated her life to unearthing the Golden Sepulcher of Isis, an ancient Egyptian goddess whose spirit is believed capable of bestowing eternal life and beauty. Madame Masque discovers the Sepulcher and becomes inhabited with the spirit of Isis, a raging out-of-control energy that overpowers her. Iron Man must battle this force without destroying the host body of Madame Masque.


Madame Masque is voiced by Lisa Zane. Zane also provided the voice of She-Hulk in the first season of THE INCREDIBLE HULK.


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