Mind Over Anti-Matter
(Episode 16)

Written by John Semper
Originally Broadcast on October 5, 1997

Dr. Strange guest-stars when a dark entity crosses over into our dimension, seeking a body strong enough to house its energies. Of course, Hulk is the strongest, so it picks Banner to take over. She-Hulk must enlist the aide of Dr. Strange to go inside Banner's mind, where the energy being is destroying the goodness inside Banner. But will they be able to convince both Gray and Green Hulk to help them on the inside of Banner's mind, when in the outside world, Banner has already reverted to the monstrous Dark Hulk?


This episode was written by John Semper, the executive producer/story-editor of SPIDER-MAN.


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Featuring Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and the Silver Surfer.